Monday, April 14, 2008

Reasons To Fight Ontario Traffic Tickets!

7 Reasons why you should never pay an Ontario traffic ticket
Insurance Rates- "Will my insurance go up?" Once you pay a traffic ticket in Ontario you are pleading guilty to the offence and it will immediately show up on your driving record for your insurance company to see. Even if you don t win you will still have the luxury of postponing the traffic ticket charge from appearing on your driving record by fighting it. This is especially helpful when you have a traffic ticket that will be coming off of your record in a few months so that you don t end up with multiple traffic convictions at the same time. 2 minor traffic Offences will act as one Major traffic offence in most insurance companies eyes. Read more about insureance here
Future Traffic Tickets - One traffic ticket may not worry you and your insurance company may even forgive it without an increase to your insurance rates. But what if you receive another traffic ticket within the next three years? We can assume you never intended to get this traffic ticket you have now received. So why let this opportunity to have your first traffic ticket eliminated pass you by? If your traffic ticket is eliminated, your next will only be your first again. In our opinion it is always smart to think ahead and avoid stressful situations in the future.
Keeping a Clean driving record Some jobs may require you to have clean drivers abstract. in Ontario a traffic ticket is not listed on your drivers abstract until you are actually convicted of that ticket. Fighting a ticket can postpone this being listed on your drivers abstract for up to a year or more even if you are unsuccessful in winning in court.
Demerit points - A Traffic ticket in toronto or Ontario may include more then just the fine amount listed in the ticket. Many traffic tickets come with Demerit Points against your licence. If you accumulate too many Demerit Points against you, the MTO (Ministry of Transportation)in Ontario may suspend your drivers licence. You may not know what you re getting into - Ontario Traffic Tickets and Summons may include a licence suspension, possibly jail time and can also include fines of over 500 dollars to as high as 25,000 dollars!
We fight for you - We at can handle everything on your behalf. We will do everything from file for your court date, order the officers discloser, build a defence and fight your Toronto traffic ticket in court on your behalf. This will allow you not only the benefits of a professional and highly successful defence team, but it will also save you the time and stress of fighting a traffic ticket yourself.
Police/Cops/officers are sometimes wrong - The Highway Traffic Act(HTA) is only a small amount of knowledge that Coppers learn when they are in Police Academy. Do you remember every detail in your textbooks from college/Univiserity? Probably not! The Ontario Highway Traffic Act(HTA) is very long, very detailed and easily misinterpreted. A good example of a misunderstanding of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) is one with stop signs. One of our clients received a traffic ticket for a Stop sign offence. The police officer had stated in their officers notes (discloser) that they did not stop at the stop sign for the full 3 seconds. Fortunately for our client the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) does not state anywhere within it that a driver must stop for a full 3 seconds. We successfully argued this for our client in court and had their traffic ticket thrown out and eliminated. This is also another reason why hiring an ex copper may not be the best choice to have your Ontario or Toronto traffic ticket eliminated.

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1 comment:

StephaniePumphrey said...

I really like this post so amazing and fantastic. Many people will really hold a conversation on this site because the topic here is very nice. This is especially helpful when you have a traffic ticket that will be coming off of your record in a few months so that you don t end up with multiple traffic convictions at the same time. Toronto Fight Traffic Tickets , this would be also awesome!